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LegalVision B.V.
Prins Hendrikkade 21E
1012TL, Amsterdam


What is
Can i use for free?
Does operate as a law firm or offer legal advice?
What are the membership options and their pricing?
How does the trial work?
How can I change my payment method?
How do i cancel my subscription?
When I will be charged after the trial ends?
Where can I find my billing history and invoices?
How many legal documents I can make or sign?
How can i change the font of a legal document?
How do i organize my folders?
How do I sign an legal document?
How can I add my (company) logo to a document?
How do i edit a legal document?
How do i organize my documents?
How do I download a legal document?
How do i print a legal document?
How to invite other users to my workspace?
Is it possible to give other users access to only specific documents?
What are workspaces and how do i use them?
How can i see the history of one of my legal documents?
How can i see the properties of one of my legal documents?